Industrial Coatings For Industrial Wear and Tear

Painting and decorating in an industrial setting needs to be especially durable because industrial environments have unique challenges that can quickly damage surfaces. For instance, heavy machinery, abrasive chemicals, frequent cleaning, and high traffic can all cause wear and tear on painted surfaces. Therefore, it’s essential to use high-quality paint and decoration techniques that can withstand such conditions.

Here are some before and after pictures of a recent factory/warehouse office paint that we have just finished. We matched mis-matched doors to fit a coherent colour scheme and gave everything a solid commercial-grade finish.

After photos of office in Derby. Door that was brown both sides had a Zinsser bin shellac base that stopped anything coming through, then had a mid grey undercoat and a mid grey eggshell. The internal back wall of the office was masonry and had white masonry paint water based. All the panelling internal and external had Swansdown durable matt emulsion by Dulux.



Call Derby : 01332 498716 if you’d like to discuss your commercial Decorating requirement